Eggs, peas, beans, cabbage, courgette, tomatoes, potatoes, brussels, beetroot, onions, carrots, celery, sweetcorn.......
Eggs, peas, beans, cabbage, courgette, tomatoes, potatoes, brussels, beetroot, onions, carrots, celery, sweetcorn.......
“The greatest fine art of the future will be the making of a comfortable living from a small piece of land”
Construction of phase 1 for setting up the homestead was inspired at 'The Edible Garden Show' where we purchased the book 'Living on One Acre or Less' by Sally Morgan and also managed to have a good chat with her. We decided that we would try out the 'No Dig' method - for more information on this method, we recommend Charles Dowding's blogs or his videos on Youtube.
We built a raised bed using up some of the lathe from our roof replacement. Then cardboard was laid as a biodegradable layer that stops growth of the grass but can be broken down by worms and weathering. To help this, you need to give it a thorough soak before covering in soil/compost. We put a little path across using wood and chippings. It took 18 bags of compost to fill the bed, I think next time we will get tonne bags delivered! Then, once the soil was down, you give it another good soak and, after a few days to settle, I shaped some furrows for planting - no digging!
Snow White, Lady Grey, Brownie, Browner and Brownest.
Snow White, Lady Grey, Brownie, Browner and Brownest.
Phase 2 is the phase I had to patiently wait for through the colds of Winter. As soon as Spring landed and the mornings were fresh and crisp, I was out in the workshop measuring, cutting and sanding wood. I got so far ahead of myself that I ended up nailing and screwing the frame for the run together in the excitement and then realised that it was too heavy to move. The plan had been to cut and pre-drill and make it in situ. Oh well! In the workshop it stood whilst I cleaned out the shed, did some minor repairs and drew up plans for the Hen House. This very effectively burned the time until we had some friends visiting to help us get the run in place - thanks Laurence and Ruth (Laurence is in a picture looking pleased with himself). It was then all hands on deck, re-using as many materials as we could to furnish the inside of the shed. The laying boxes and perch are made out of a bar that I dismantled in the house. All sanded, varnished and with a new roof, I think its pretty comfortable for the Ladies.
Phase 3 to come 2018.....
Phase 3 to come 2018.....